Monday 25 October 2010

Australian Rachel

I have not even been in Australia for two weeks and already I am changing.

- I am eating different and new foods, including squid!
- My meal times are at random times
- I am okay at eating in front of strangers
- I am starting to not care what boys think of me - back home everyone thinks it is important to have a boy texting you
- I am beginning to re-like myself again
- I have spent a day with no make-up on

Maybe this is going to be great for me =]


Although I made a decision a few years ago to not plan my future as no one knows what is going to happen, it is still important to have dreams.

Personal goals help you be motivated; they make you smile; daydream and try to actively work towards your aim. I have still had dreams but anorexia/a boy/my home town have stopped me from trying to reach my true potential. Now in Australia, in the sunshine, I am beginning to dream again =]

I want to:-

Travel more;
Get my book published;
Work for a magazine;
Start a group promoting awareness of positive body image;
Learn to make my own clothes;
Create my own magazine;
Do the Great North Run;
Be proud of all that I have achieved and be happy to be Rachel.

Friday 15 October 2010

Greetings from Australia

Hello :)

So here I am blogging from Australia - after everything I have been through I never thought I would make it here or be living away from my mam for several months. Of course I have only been here three days so I am feeling unsettled and wondering if I should be here.

There are more opportunities for me here though. I can get a job, there is sunshine and nobody knows who I am.I can be the real Rachel I want to be. No one needs to know about my anorexia, my bad luck with boys or everything about me. So far it is good and I think time away from boys will help me. I don't need to look good for them. I can look good for me. I can finally learn how to love myself.

I shall keep you updated :)

Friday 8 October 2010

im glad to have experienced it...

There are a few things that have happened in my life that have been challenging but in a way I am glad I have experienced them and survived.

From anorexia, when I was told I would die; when I couldn't do what other 17 year olds were doing; when I was trapped in tourment - I now know more about who I am and the world around me. I am passionate about making a difference and am an active ambassador for beat. I am a compassionate and caring person to many.

From not being able to finish my year abroad, I made new friends, build up my confidence and had a brief stint into the teenage life I always wanted even if it was at age 21!

From falling in love, when the guy didn't love me as much, when I've been trying to get over him for two years. I still would go through it again because falling in love is special. Because it makes you warm inside and cared for. And now I'm learning to be strong to not fall as deep so soon again.

I'm off to australia on tuesday. Who knows what experiences await me?